Our Mission:

To understand the consequences of deforestation, habitat fragmentation, climate change, and other human activities for plant-animal interactions and plant population dynamics. While we work in many ecosystems, most of our research is conducted in tropical rain forests and savannas.

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Our Mission:

Emilio M. Bruna, Ph.D.

I use field experiments, long-term demographic studies, mathematical models, and computational approaches to study (1) how the demography and population dynamics of tropical plants are influenced by human activities such as deforestation and climate change, and (2) factors influencing geographic disparities in the production and spread of knowledge, with an emphasis on scholarship from Latin America.

I have previously served as President of the Association for Tropical Biology & Conservation and Editor-in-Chief of the journal Biotropica, and I am currently the Secretary of the Ecological Society of America.

Curriculum Vitae.

  • Tropical ecology and conservation
  • Plant population ecology
  • Plant-animal interactions
  • Habitat Fragmentation
  • Amazonia & The Cerrado
  • Scientometrics, Science of Science
  • Ph.D. in Population Biology, 2001

    University of California, Davis

  • M.S. in Biology, 1995

    University of California, San Diego

  • B.S. in Ecology, Behavior, & Evolution with a Minor in Literature, 1994

    Revelle College, University of California, San Diego

Current Lab Members


Eric Escobar-Chena

M.S. Student

Insect Ecology, esp. Coleoptera, Habitat Fragmentation


Nina Attias

Postdoctoral Researcher

conservation biology, spatial ecology, education, Animal movements in disturbed landscapes


Priyanka Hari Haran

Ph.D. Student

community ecology, mixed-species flocks, forest restoration, tropical ecology, Western Ghats, Science Communication


  • embruna@ufl.edu
  • (352) 514-3935
  • University of Florida-WEC, PO Box 110430, 110 Newins-Ziegler Hall, Gainesville, FL 32611-0430
  • The Tropical Ecology and Conservation Lab is located at 711 Newell Dr. on the UF campus. Our building is a white house nestled between the Rawlings Hall dorms and the parking garage at the corner of Newell Dr. and Museum Road.
  • Book an appointment