Lab Members
Current Lab Members
Information for Prospective Students
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Lab Alumni
Postdoctoral Scholars
Eric Scott: Lagged effects of climate and habitat fragmentation on H. acuminata demography.
Maria Rosa Darrigo: Science Without Borders Postdoctoral Fellow, Variation in avian dispersal ability and H. acuminata demography.
Paul Gagnon: The cumulative effects of chronically reduced plant growth in forest fragments.
Heather Passmore: Effect of forest fragmentation on the structure of Amazonian ant-plant mutualist networks.
Thiago Izzo: Population dynamics of ant-plant mutualist systems.
Graduate Students
Thomas Smith, Ph.D. in Wildlife Ecology & Conservation, 2023.
Matrix effects on movement and population dynamics in experimentally fragmented systems. Co-advised with Dr. Robert Fletcher.Fabiane Mundim, Ph.D. in Wildlife Ecology & Conservation, 2016.
Above- and below-ground plant-herbivore interactions in Brazil’s Cerrado and how they are influenced by climate change.Ernane Vieira-Neto, Ph.D. in Wildlife Ecology & Conservation, 2016.
The influence of the expansion of road networks in Brazil’s Cerrado on the demography and spread of leaf-cutter ants.Elan Simon Parsons, MA in Latin American Studies, 2018.
Prevalence and functional form of edge-effects in fragmented landscapes.Ana Cecilia Silva, M.A. Student in Latin American Studies, 2015.
How Brazilian’s attitudes regarding extensive executive power influence support for affirmative action.Paulo Rubim, Ph.D., Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2013
Factors influencing Heliconia acuminata distribution and reproduction at multiple spatial scales. Co-advised with Dr. Dalva Mattos.Cris Follman Jurinitz, Ph.D. in Ecology, Universidade de São Paulo, 2012
Tree demography in primary and regenerating Atlantic rain forests. Co-advised with Dr. Alexandre Oliveira.Christine Lucas, Ph.D. in Wildlife Ecology & Conservation, 2010. Influence of flooding and disturbance from cattle ranching on the regeneration of Varzea forests in the Brazilian Amazon.
Stella Copeland, M.S. in WEC, 2009.
Effect of nitrogen enrichment and simulated changes in precipitation on two Cerrado grasses.Gwen Iacona, M.S. in WEC, 2008.
Seedling establishment along productivity gradients in Longleaf Pine savannas. Co-advised with Dr. Kay Kirkman, Jones Ecological Research Center.Pedro Braunger, M.S. in Biology, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia
Effect of roads on the diversity of Cerrado plant communities.Alana Vaz Ferreira, M.S. in Biology, Universidade Federal de Uberlandia, 2007
Seed predation by ants, birds, and rodents in Brazil’s Cerrado.Ian Fiske, M.S. in WEC, 2006
Sampling in plant demographic studies and the implications for matrix model projections.Matthew Trager, M.S. in SNRE, 2006
The effects of nutrient manipulation on ant-plant mutualisms.Maria Beatriz Nogueira Ribeiro, M.S. in Ecology, Universidade de São Paulo, 2005
Plant regeneration in Amazonian secondary forests.
Visiting Students
- Alan Nilo da Costa, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia
- Carolina Ferreira Gomes, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia
- Diego Resende, Universidade Estadual de Londrina
- Yves Rafael Bovolenta, Universidade Estadual de Londrina
- Rodolfo de Abreu, USP-ESALQ
- Simone Athayde, Instituto Socioambiental
- Rita Quitete Portela, UNICAMP
- Camilla Castanho, Universidade de São Paulo
Sabbatical Visitors
- Karine Carvalho, Universidade Federal do Sul da Bahia
- Ariadna V. F. Lopes, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco
- Alexandre Oliveira, Universidade de São Paulo
- Laury Cullen, Instituto de Pesquisas Ecologicas (IPÊ)
Laura Vivian Barbosa: Laura was responsible for coordinating field work in the Cerrado. She went on to earn a PhD from the Universidade Federal de Uberlandia.
Paulo Rubim: Paulo was responsible for coordinating field work at the BDFFP. He went on to earn a PhD from the Universidade Federal de Sao Carlos.
Sylvia Heredia: Sylvia was responsible for coordinating field work on ant-plant mutualisms at the BDFFP. She went on to earn a PhD from the Universidade of California, Riverside.
Maria Rosa Darrigo: Rosinha was responsible for coordinating field work at the BDFFP. She went on to earn a PhD from the University of Campinas.
Simone Benedet Fontoura: Simone was responsible for coordinating field work at the BDFFP. She went on to earn a PhD from the Universidade Federal de Lavras
Polyanna Custodio Duarte: Polyanna was responsible for coordinating field work in the Cerrado. She was a graduate student at ESALq