Fabiane Mundim recognized by OTS

The Organization for Tropical Studies is a consortium of 63 universities and research institutions from around the world whose field stations and courses have been some of the most important training and research opportunities for tropical ecologists.  For the past several years they have been awarding a prize for the outstanding publication in tropical biology written by a student, and this year our own Fabiane Mundim received the Honorable Mention for her paper:

Mundim, F. M., E. M. Bruna, E. H. M. Vieira-Neto, and H. L. Vasconcelos. 2012. Attack frequency and the tolerance to herbivory of Neotropical savanna treesOecologia 168: 405-414.

This article was written as part of her Master’s thesis completed under the supervision of Dr. Heraldo Vasconcelos at the Universidade Federal de Uberlândia,  The recipient of the award was Julia Barske, who did an amazing study of dancing behavior in manakins, and you can read more about them here. Congratulations to them both!

Professor & Distinguished Teaching Scholar

My research & teaching interests include Tropical ecology and conservation, plant population ecology, plant-animal interactions, scientometrics and bibliometrics, science & science policy in Latin America matter.
